Potential Neighborhood Impact.............  
* The Woolmarket Connector will add significant noise to all surrounding neighborhoods. 

* The Woolmarket Connector will add significant truck traffic to the surrounding roads. 

* The Connector will restrect recreational use of the Tchoutacabouffa River. 

**  A limited access road will require EVERY RESIDENT with a driveway on Popps 
Ferry to  RELOCATE.  Is this you?

**  A Limited Access road will limit access to local residents, i.e., the intersections  
           from which you can turn left will be reduced from 14 to a significantly fewer

**  With a Limited Access road,  the speed limit will potentially be much higher, 
possibly  40, 45, 50  or above which would create much higher noise levels.

** Local traffic in your neighborhood could significantly increase. 
Could this affect your children's safety? 

"Our neighborhoods do not have sidewalks for children to walk on to school bus
stops added traffic will create serious risks to their safety. North Haven and Holly
hills residents will also be affected as many of them use Trailwood to Rustwood to
Popps ferry to go south into Biloxi for work." 

** Property values in surrounding neighborhoods would likely be adversely affected. 

** A limited access super-sized road could change the quality of life in your
neighborhood as you know it today.

** The businesses at Cedar Lake and along Popps Ferry would likely be adversely
affected if the Woolmarket connector to Popps Ferry is built and diverts traffic.